My life has become quite busy. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. This is the fun busy. The kind of busy most people choose not to experience. To be quite honest, I am the kind of busy people try to avoid today, and think I am crazy for embracing it. The busy I am talking about is BIG family busy. I am the proud daddy of five, yes five, beautiful girls. I know what you are thinking, and I have heard it all. "That is a lot of weddings", or "Think of all the boys coming around", and my personal favorite "I feel sorry for you when their cycles all synchronize".
I embrace it all. I love the fact that I get to protect five precious hearts until God provides the right man to take over. Staring across the table at a bright eyed little girl, or young lady, on daddy daughter date night is hard to beat. Morning cuddles on the couch watching Dora, are times I cherish.
I must admit, I did not envision a house full of girls when I thought about being a dad. I saw mostly boys. I couldn't wait to play ball, go to games, play catch, and fill out brackets every March. The cool thing is I still get to do all that with my girls, and experience the blessing of a daughters love times 5.....and they clean up a lot better to boot!
We are busy. We are at Lyz's games on Tuesday and Thursdays, Kenzies games on Monday and Wednesdays, Varsity games on Friday, Youth group and AWANA on Wednesdays, Church on Sunday, which leaves Saturday. Half the year they are consumed with Soccer games and taxiing everyone around to their social endeavors.
As you can imagine, the shoes pile up as we come and go. As I was putting them away the other day, I got to thinking that the shoes in my life are getting bigger. The thing about being busy, is I don't take enough time to think about what we are doing as we go through life as a family of seven. It was just yesterday, I was velcroing on Lyz's baby Jordans. Today I was putting away the size nine basketball shoes. With each size comes challenges, changes, and a lot of fun memories. I am going to take more time to enjoy life in each size. Feel free to hop on the ride and laugh at my mistakes and celebrate the joy of having girls. Too soon the only size left will be mine....
This is great Tim! I can't wait to read more! Thanks for being such a great Dad to my daughter's best friends!